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Brothers Backward – Stupid Intelligent Mixtape

passage and mike busse

passage and mike busse

A small distorted child-like voice opens this brand new spankin’ mixtape by Brothers Backword with the phrase ‘it’s a brand new party, the old one’s dead’. No truer could have been uttered in the opening steps of this barely 25 minute long perfectly titled Stupid Intelligent mixtape. The boys otherwise known as Passage and Mike Busse really take the effort of mixing in a mix of songs, new and old, into their new release. Whether it is spitting a clever trickle of spit over Stereo MC‘s ‘Connected’ or sweet talking an older women in my favorite track ‘Special Education’ with a touch of Seal‘s ‘Crazy’ as a closer, these boys never stop. Like good little hip young fellows they foil the gender folly and slip in some sweet female vocal sample remixes from Ladyhawke, the Millionaires, Shannon and even a sound clip from the Sound of Music.
These boys get the attention span of all of us wee ones unindated with youtube videos of fluffy kittens, internet memes that change quicker than your wpm and the memory span of how many years of constant partying. Passage and Mike make the art of mix a fun experience down memory lane and lay down the bed of hip-hop as colorful mix of fabric. The ride of this aural sensation is like a good fuck: nice, sweet and directly to the point.

this is where this mixtape lives: in the land of bomarr’s awesome blog.

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